Friday, March 27, 2009

My Armoire is the Same Way

I heard Kendall is sick again. If you visited my blog last week, you know she was sick when she spent last Friday night with us. Poor little thing. It's hard to reason with a one-year-old about these types of things.

I am pleading the Fifth Amendment as to whether or not today's Clarity of Vision has anything to do with my work desk, my armoire at home, my nightstand. This was just created from my mind and nobody better dispute that. Speaking of Clarity of Vision... I came in yesterday morning inspired and penned three additional strips. Today...nothing. I thought of nothing funny last night, and nothing again this morning. Have I pulled from the well once too often already? We shall see, loyal fans.

No big plans for the weekend that I know of. Kathie and I might try to catch a movie, but that's tomorrow. I can't think about that today.

I should probably get to work. I do have a few tasks pending.

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