Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, Heeeeere's Randy

Today's Clarity of Vision comic strip made me think of Chapel at Howard Payne. Of course, we had to go to a chapel service every MWF at 10am. Luckily, they had a variety of events at these services. We had Tanya Tucker when she was 13 or 14 (whew! She was a pistol even at that age). Bill Russell, a basketball star, was there. Dave Loggins (Please Come to Boston). We also had internally led events. One of them was the annual show by the Rejex, a non-fraternity fraternity, with which I was loosely linked.

Anyway, a buddy of mine wanted he and I to take a Chapel and do 30 min of stand-up each. I was too chicken, especially to fill up half an hour. My humor is usually topic-specific, meaning I take off from wherever or whatever is happening at that moment and make light of it. The point is, ever since then, I have regretted my decision. Sink or swim, I should have tried. Hopefully, that has propelled me to try some things I might not have tried otherwise. What about you? Do you have any defining moments like that?

So, I decided to keep trying to find humorous ideas for my strips. We'll see, but I am up through 4/6/09 now.

Today's is called (at least in my own mind) Like Hannibal.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Of course all Rejex were pretty much loosely connected. But I get your point.

You left out the rape prevention chapel.

At Hyde Park Baptist I did Dave Gardner's "David and Goliath" comedy routine at a single's talent show and came in 2nd only because the first place winner actually had talent.