Sunday, January 04, 2009

Reindeer Games?

What are reindeer games anyway? Maybe we are playing them and just don't know it? Well, here are some of the games we played.

On the day after Christmas, I indoctrinated Kathie, Alison, Kyle and Lyndsay with Bang! The Bullet game. I think they liked it because...
They also played it when we went over to the folks' house for New Years. Now, Carey's family and the folks have seen the light. In fact, G-Dad ordered his own copy. Well, backordered, since it has been out of print for at least a year. Here, Kari is letting Isabella help her play.
GrandMom is trying indoctrinate Kendall with a computer game. Good idea. It'll be a few years before she's ready for the Wild West like Bang!
While we were at G-Mom and G-Dad's, Carey brought over her Wii Fit. Here is Lyndsay trying out the Hula Hoop game.

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