Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Christmas Brunch. Actually, this is the kind of morning spread Kathie gives me everyday. Aren't I the lucky one? OK, so it's not exactly like this. OK, I only get this once a year at Lyndsay's Christmas Brunch. And I didn't even include the dessert course.
I can remember thinking that Jimmy and Sue went a little overboard with the Christmas presents for their grandkids. Now, these two have three sets of grandparents buying gifts. Whew! That's Kendall's haul on the left and Bella's on the right.
I'm not saying Kyle keeps his house cold, but you make the call.
Bella used the plastic box that normally holds the toy characters as a way to hide. Here, you can see (or can you?) that she is hiding near GrandDad. Luckily, she yells out clues as to her whereabouts if we don't find her quick enough.
Here Kendall is playing with GrandMom. Both of them seem to be having a great time.
Bella found some cars and talked Kari into playing with them in the kitchen. They are rolling them back and forth to each other. Well, as much as you can on tile with wide grout lines.
Christmas is a time for eating. Here we go again.


Unknown said...

That picture with Kendall is awful. She almost looks like a Thermian from Galaxy Quest. Thanks for the Christmas pictures.

Lindsay Ward said...

So, I see you had Christmas bruch at Kyle and Lyndsay's. But then I see the Grandparents house. Did you spend the afternoon there? or another day?

CrazyUncle said...

You are correct, Lindsay. The morning at the grandgirls' place and the evening at the parent's house. Good call.

Lindsay Ward said...

You can't slip anything by me :) So what is the name of that game in the next post? We are always looking for fun games. We played Hoopla with the Ward's. It is a shoot of Cranium and was lots of fun.

CrazyUncle said...

As I mentioned in the post, the one we keep coming back to is Bang! The Bullet. It is excellent. We also played Loot. It is fun, but not nearly so much strategy is required. I also mentioned in the post that the game is on backorder.