Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Post title inspired by Geek Weeks.

Here is a photo treatment inspired by Andy Warhol. Did you know he is dead? Well, he still is.
Here's where I started. Kathie and Kendall somewhere outside together. I guess you can see that, huh? Well, let's go Warhol on this picture.
A couple of filters and a little color later, you end up here.
Now, we tweak the colors to create a contrast from the previous choices.
And one more time.

It is true that Andy put his all together in a 2x2 matrix, but if I did that, they would all be a lot smaller. So play like they are presented in that format and you won't know the difference.


Unknown said...

Shouldn't Kendall be holding a can of soup?

Craig Weeks said...

Yeah, yeah. They say Franco is still dead, too. Whatever.