Sunday, January 11, 2009

Goin' To The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, How About You, You, You?

We all decided it was a nice day to take the girls to the zoo. The weather was practically perfect (high 67).
Let's start with some animals. Here are the lions chilling. They did not want to look me in the camera, so I settled for profiles.
One of Bella's favorites is the giraffes. Here they are staying up on the hill in their veldt exhibit. So, it was probably less fun for her than Out of Africa, where she got to feed them.
For an extra fee, zoo-goers can touch the sting rays and crabs. By the time they got in there, though, Bella got splashed and so did not want to actually touch them. You can see her tucking her arms under her so she will not get wet.
I mentioned in a previous post that I try to catch people in unguarded moments for photos. I think I was not successful here and it seems Kyle and Lyndsay might be mugging just a bit. Then again, maybe that's how they always look.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Did Bella want to touch the sting giraffes? Those are my favorite.