Sunday, January 08, 2006

Discouraged, disillusioned, disappointed

Well, yes, that does kind of describe me, but it was actually describing Israel at the time of David. This was when David wrote Psalm 118. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" and "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

As today's sermon noted, each of these talks about living in the "present tense." Yesterday is too late and tomorrow is not promised to us. And, the quote of the day, aimed directly at me: God has strategically placed you in your life's circumstances. He has a reason why you are where you are right now.

How long before I get it? I was telling Kathie this morning that I feel I am treating God as a heavenly job search agency. It seems to be my most dominant concern. Why can't I rejoice and be glad in each new day God gives me? He *is* in control. And I know that, at least in my mind. Lord, I can only say that I am glad you love me in spite of myself. Thank you that you are good and your love endures forever.


X's and O's said...

Well, I had to catch up with your blog, as you noted I have been slacking a bit! Congrats on the soon-to-be-grandfather status, I wasn't updated about the pregnancy but I'm very excited for your whole family. Children are such blessings, I hope that all goes well with the pregnancy and all will be in my prayers. You seem sort of frustrated about being unemployed, understandibly, but maybe it's like looking for lost soon as you stop looking you find them. Hopefully while you are renewing your faith and being appreciative of Kathie's support, and be sure to tell her, as I'm sure you do, your opportunity will jump out at you when you least expect it. Sometimes when you are looking, you are too focused and blind yourself to what may be staring you in the face. Best of luck, and I'm anxious to know all of the details about the baby as soon as he/she arrives. When is that by the way? I'm confident you'll find something great, maybe this is God telling you to become a full time teacher, you'd be great at it!! Good luck!! :)

Brenda Walker said...

Amen! We'll keep praying!