Monday, January 16, 2006

But Wait...That's Not All

OK, I picked a new blog template because Susan fussed at me and it's just time for a change. Hopefully, this will display correctly on both Macs and PCs. It's looks OK on both to me.

And that's not all. My first boss at Motorola has given me a tip on a place to submit my resume. I'll do that. And University of Phoenix still might have an opening. I was a substitute teacher 2 days last week. And I will probably accept an interim music job at a local Baptist church.

And that's not all. Some of my past posts have been a little downhearted. This does not mean I..we.. are not truly blessed beyond what I..we.. deserve. I kn ow more about our extended family than ever before thanks to these blogs. I'm..We're.. going to have a granddaughter in 10 weeks. All our parents are alive. Our kids both married Christians. God blessed me with a loving and supportive wife who opened my eyes by asking if there weren't things that were positive in my life. God is still in control, and loves us in spite of ourselves. Amen.


Lindsay Ward said...

Glad to hear you sounding more up beat! We need more info on the baby!

Brenda Walker said...

Hallelujah, preach it brother!! I don't know if your template is correctly displayed on my firefox, but I will check it in some other browsers and platforms to find out!

SuzieQ said...

Okay, is it supposed to be a white background? Are there supposed to be any lines of separation? It Looks good on my screen, with nice big font...and I like that!

I am so glad you are trying to look at the positive side. I know I would not fair near as well as you have for the duration, so hang in there.

Caleb said...

I kind of like it. We are a whole lot more blessed than we sometimes think about.