Monday, September 15, 2008

That's Not Too Bad

Right now, the Cowboys are behind 31-37. That's bad. However, both teams are moving the ball well. That's not too bad.

I went to the doctor today for my throat. I've had a hoarseness and lack of singability for a couple of months now. He didn't see anything and offered 3 possibilities. A virus - no real symptoms seen, and it should not last this long. Allergies - possible, and the thing we will treat first using an OTC medicine. Vocal cord nodules or polyps - non-cancerous little thingies on my vocal thingies. Non-cancerous, That's not too bad. They may have to cut them off if it is polyps or nodules. Hopefully, that's not too bad.

He also checked my shoulder pain that I've had for a few months. He made me move my arm around in ways that made it hurt. I said, "Doc, it hurts when I do that." Then he said, "Well, don't do that." He also diagnosed it as tendonitis. He prescribed OTC anti-imflammatories and said I should do light exercise using 5-lb weights. Push it till it hurts a bit, then back off. Maximum of 15 reps. OK, that's not too bad.

I still have not heard for sure about my job. However, today, he asked me to work up a Statement of Work for software we are buying, including a plan to have it in place by Nov 30. That feels like I will be staying. That's certainly not too bad, although I'd like a definitive answer.

One of Bella's favorite games is chasing her around the stairwell. So, Daddy is usually the pursuer. Here, Kendall joins in the fun, and she loves it. That is certainly not too bad.

Bella has a puzzle that is over 4-feet tall. So, we had her lay down on it after building it so we could all see how large it is. That's pretty big, right? She can pretty much assemble it herself. Not too bad, huh?


Caleb said...

I think that that sounds like a good workout for me. Fifteen reps at five pounds, not too bad. Why is it called a stairwell? Do you get water when you stand on the steps?

CrazyUncle said...

It's called a stairwell because, originally, all stairs went down only, as if into a well. And I do find I can get water if I hit the stairs with a rod.