Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Been a Week?

Sorry about that. I know that you've all been on pins and needles waiting to hear what happened at work. Nothing yet. We lost 5 project managers. Two former PMs hired in at a lower position. One stayed the same level, and one might get a promotion. The three contractors are still waiting for them to finish internal interviews before we find out what happens to us.

On a lighter note, the girls spent the night last Friday night. This reminds me that God has a reason for given children to young people. Whew, I am just now catching back up on my rest. Still, I'm certainly glad we live close enough to enjoy them.

No photos tonight. I do have some I took this weekend, but I have not loaded them into iPhoto yet.

Hey, take a look at Caleb's blog. He mentions one of my favorite religious singing groups. No, I will not give you a hint. Read it and find out for yourself.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Of course you noticed the pictures were pre-curtains. What actually happened is I took those pictures on Monday right after we finished the floors. Then we got sick and didn't get the curtains up until later in the week. Basically, I was too lazy to take new pictures. So it is me that fell asleep...not my mom :)