Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ali!

The granddaughters came over for Alison's birthday. Here is a photo from another night, but no less cute.

Happy b-day, Ali. I hope it has been a good one for you. We made one of your favorite dinners and a DQ ice cream cake. Well, I know I enjoyed it.

I still have a job, although I am still a contractor.

Lyndsay tells me I need to sign up for Facebook. That way, I can keep up with her photos of the girls. Hmm. I'll do that sometime.

Have y'all heard of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Univ. Kyle and Lyndsay are going to it at their church. They are super excited about what it promises for their future. So, be praying for them.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

We would love to see you over on Facebook.

Dave Ramsey is doing some really great stuff for a lot of people. One hour of his 3-hour daily radio program is available in the Podcasts section of iTunes (without commercials, so it's really more like 40 minutes).