Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Everybody with an Existing Job Step Forward. No, Not You, Sir.

So, you've heard about my travails in the new job. So, we are all scheduled to be laid off on Sep 17 unless we are hired after a round of interviews. The jobs are split into 3 levels of responsibility (and therefore, pay). Right now, I am working at the lowest level. So, which do you think I will interview for? Hello! The top one? My current one? Actually, both.

Anyway, today the boss came and gave me an update. All interviews for current employees must be done before any of the contractors. So, there is a very real risk that even my current job could be gone, depending on how many candidates apply. So, even though interviews start tomorrow, we are on hold for a couple of weeks.

One thing is for sure. I am going to be like Samuel in I Sam 3. "Speak, Lord, for thy servant listens."

Finally, a photo from Monday of the girls.
Kendall is laughing because Isabella is shaking her head so that her hair swings around. I don't know. It is apparently pretty funny to an 9-month-old.


Caleb said...

That sounds like loads of fun. Maybe you should, during the interview, shake your head so that your hair wings around. I doubt that your boss is nine months old but it might score you some extra points anyway.

Zachary said...

If your hair wings around, maybe it will fly away and you will be bald! Ahh to be bald!!!!!!

CrazyUncle said...

What are you dudes talking about? I did not misspell swings. Maybe both of you were winging your head when you read my blog?

Lindsay Ward said...

So sorry to hear about your situation. I am praying that they see the light...and hire you full time!