Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Day Without Bella Is Like A Day...

Well, I decided not to finish the quote in the title. After all, we hardly know what a day without sunshine looks like. Still, it looks like a no-Bella day. Sigh. Notice the picture to the left of this paragraph. Oh, that's right. No picture today. Sigh again.

OK, someone asked why go to LJS for chicken. Fair question. Some of us wanted fish and some chicken. Plus, it's between our place and theirs. Plus, they had already eaten KFC during the week. Plus, I had a coupon. Hmm. I'm out of pluses.

No, I have not finished my taxes yet. I need to go dig up the interest numbers, etc. I did enter the W2 info. Hey, I've still got three weeks.

We just saw V for Vendetta and enjoyed it. You can definitely tell it is made by the Wachowski brothers that made Matrix. A very similar feel. Very stylistic. And the bad/good guy is played by the main baddie from Matrix, Hugo Weaving.

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