Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It seems everyone got to open something for Christmas Eve. Even Morris. Check out his new threads. He doesn't really like the sound that Velcro makes when opening it, so we may have to go with a different style.

The girls got some new ornaments for their tree. They look suspiciously like Disney characters.

They didn't only get ornaments, though. Oh no! They got pajamas, too. Bella checked hers out and immediately threw them on the floor.

Lyndsay got some gifts, too. However, we didn't all crowd around her like we did with Isabella and Kendall.

Even Kyle got some presents. Or maybe he is stealing other people's gifts.

Here Kathie and I are all duded up after the church Christmas Eve service. We clean up nicely, huh? Well, Kathie does.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Merry Christmas! Was Morris' new clothing for the Christmas Eve service as well?