Friday, December 05, 2008

Randy's Thanksgiving vs Zachary's Christmas

I just noticed that Zachary has posted a Christmas-related blog. So, I need to get the last Thanksgiving-related blog out so I can work up a Christmas post. I do not have any pictures with funnels in them, so we'll have to make do with what I've got.

Hey, it's my blog. I can start with whomever I want. So, we'll open up with Kathie, Randy, and Alison.

We held our get-together at Mom and Dad's house.

A somber preacher and family came down from NV and CA. So, Keith, Kim, Lauri and Caleb stopped by and snuck out before ZooLights.

Some cuties came by and brought their parents. Kyle, Lyndsay, Isabella and Kendall came over all the way from Queen Creek.

Oh! So you're here.

Leigh and Jay lent their own version of Thanksgiving levity. Well, except for Jay.

Paul and Kari filled this year's quota of pregnant couples.


Unknown said...

Well done. You should have gotten Leigh to record her Thanksgiving song and put it up for all to enjoy.

Craig Weeks said...

Thanks for the pix. You and Kathie are now in my screensaver rotation. No, I did not Photoshop little Hitler moustaches on first.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have your Thanksgiving posts done I expect some good Christmas posts. I am sure you won't disappoint.