Sunday, February 10, 2008

Notification of No Bella Photos

So, I went and added the ability for you to know when I update, and then I don't update anymore. I went over a week since my last post. Sorry.

Lyndsay's grandmother had a heart attack last night. She is resting well, but of course, the family is nervous. So, Lyndsay's mom wanted to stay with her at the hospital, so we had Isabella and Kendall for the night (Kyle and Lyndsay were away at Disneyland). They did well and just left to go home with Mommy and Daddy.

Here is Kendall's haul from her folks.

I had my first test last Thursday night in my Java class. I think I missed one-half of one question (and it is worth 64 points out of the 1000 for the course). The grades aren't posted yet.

Photo counts: Bella - 1370, Kendall - 208. This visit yielded 2 of Bella and 15 of Kendall.

Here is a photo of Kendall smiling at Pops tonight. Can anything make a grandfather's heart swell more?

There are still some WEBNETters that have not added the email notification option. Of course, there are some members who haven't updated in a while, either. Hello?!? Is there anybody out there?


Craig Weeks said...

Well, first things first. That is a FINE photo of Kendall.

I'm am dismayed. I signed up for email notification of your latest tirade. Apparently I don't pass the smell test (probably not the first time). No email. No joy. No payment until it is fixed. I'd like to hear if any of your loyal minions received better treatment.

Craig Weeks said...

The plot thickens. I said to myself, "Self, you should just sign up again. Maybe only the perseverant get to play." Yea, verily, I did just that and the Oracle of Feedburner rendered: is already subscribed to the mailing list of * A Legend In My Own Mind *

I hope, I hope, I hope they send me a customer sat survey [sound of long knives being sharpened in the background].

Lindsay Ward said...

I didn't get an email either. What a precious little smile!