Thursday, November 01, 2007

All Hallow's Eve

Well, I can now reveal that Bella turned into Nemo for Halloween. Here is Nana and Nemo as we prepare to head out into the deep blue of the evening for candy gathering. The group consisted of nine adults and two infants. Only two of the adults dressed up. Here is one of them.

In the center of the photo is a tired little fish. On the right, you can see a man and a princess riding an ostrich. Not something you see every day, huh? This is Kyler and his daughter Alexis. His wife, Leeza (sp?), is off camera and she was the other dressed up adult. They are friends of Isabella's parents.

Oh, yeah. Elton John dropped by last night. Maybe it was Elton Jane? Unfortunately, this was the only keyboard I could find, so not much music was played. Still, another sight you do not see every day.


Craig Weeks said...

Well, that conveyance has "birthday present" written all over it. But I was left with an empty feeling by the complete lack of explanation (factual or otherwise) regarding the all too visible vise grips.

Zachary said...

I have actually seen that very fix before, I might have drilled through the metal shaft and inserted a cotter pin, but to each his own. Nice Pics!