Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I have nothing to say, but it has been a week since I updated or even checked any of y'alls pages. Sorry.

So sorry, but it seems I lied in the post heading. I DO have something to say. Morris bit Kathie earlier this week. We are investigating training options. We cannot allow Bella to have interaction with him until we understand what is wrong. He has snapped at Alison in past weeks, but this is the first bite. Maybe it is because we play with him less during my recuperation? I'll let you know.

Follow up with the surgeon in late October to see if all the cancer was removed. Continued prayers are appreciated.

Felt like playing a little today, so I turned this photo from Zion National Park into a watercolor.


Lindsay Ward said...

What a nice watercolor. I wish I was there instead of here in my cube.

SuzieQ said...

Any good travel advise for Zion? We are thinking of going there next summer instead of the beach. love the painting.