Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Too Long + Bella Sighting

It has been over a week since I last posted. True, I had little to say. However, that has never stopped me before, right? So, let's get to some updates and then some photos.

I am doing better each day, with the normal caveats of healing after major surgery. In fact, last night served as a reminder of that. We bought (and I loaded into the car) 4 cases of 24 bottles of water. I was OK putting them in the cart, and then OK loading 2 into the car. The last 2 caused some pain in my abdomen. Kathie let me know I should not have done that. She's right, but I was feeling OK until then. Anyway, I've got to start trying things sometime.

I plan to restart my job search by next week. I am ertainly not at 100%, as I already noted. However, we really need to get me working and some money flowing. Please continue to pray about the right position for me. And Jay M, I am not thinking of Pizza Hut, at least not at first.

OK, a photo before we continue.

Check out those fine sunglasses. No autographs, please. This was taken some time in the past 2 weeks, so she is around 18 months old.

Well, I heard that the folks are back from their UK trip. We'll need to stay on them until they give us a blogger update with photos.

In iTunes, I am at 4551 songs, 10.8 days, 39.31 GB. I'd better get to listening if I am going to hear them all, huh?

Here is Bella giving us a tour of her room. She is quite proud of her new bed (they need the crib for Kendall).


Anonymous said...

Just as a matter of interest, I checked my own iTunes collection. Believe it or not, I myself have 1198 songs, 3.4 days, 6.31 GB. I must add that I know I have some duplicates--I'm not sure why.
Anyway, we are keeping you in our prayers for healing and employment (and comfort in your loss).
Thanks for the update and pictures. We love y'all.
the Preacher.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures of your cute grandaughter. We are praying that the job search goes well and you will be in the working world again.

Anonymous said...

We passed the 2000 mark, 2013 to be exact, only 8.66 GB, but I have 19 movies for 10.32 GB in iTunes aswell! We shall pray and stuff!