Monday, July 24, 2006

Do the Hustle

Come on. Admit it. Even you young'uns must have heard that classic disco song "Do The Hustle." No? What about you old fogeys in the back?

Anyway, I was checking the amctv website for info about when (or if) reruns of the TV show Hustle are scheduled. Yes, it looks like a few are to be replayed in Aug. While there, I found their rules for husting and thought you'd like to know them. For most of you, rule #1 should protect you from this crew.

1. You can’t con an honest man.
2. Feed the greed.
3. Always give a mark an out.
4. Never give a sucker an even break.
5. It’s all in the detail.
6. Don’t have anything in your life that you cannot walk away from.
7. Always look out for #1.
8. It’s not just about the money.


Auntie Eisel said...

I think I've heard of it.Do you do the hustle a lot? I don't really know how to comment on this post, so I guess that's all I'll say. Do you have any more pictures of Bella? We'll have some sweet baby pictures in about nine months!!!!

Lindsay Ward said...

If you can't con an honest man than I assume the sucker is not honest?? And if it isn't just about the money, then what is it about?? Oh yeah, it's all about Bella or is it Walker?

Lindsay Ward said...

That comment was just to let you know how the rest of us feel after reading some of your comments!

SuzieQ said...

I remember it. In fact I know all the lyrics! Here they are:

"Do the Hustle!!"

Pretty good memory, huh?