Sunday, May 14, 2006

First Mother's Day as Grandparents

Well, I guess everyone made it through Isabella's first Mother's Day, Lyndsay's first as a mother, and Kathie first as a grandmother. I took a few pics and will get them up "real soon now."

At church, we sang a choir special of God, Give Us Christian Homes. We were very nearly in unison. Hey, the new Baptist Hymnal has a changed word in the mother verse. It says caring quest instead of queenly quest.

Kathie and I went to Lowe's, but did not take Bella. I don't want to overload her in her second month of life. We'll save the competing home store for another day.

We went to see Neen today. I'm still her favorite grandson. Well, I was the favorite to go see her today.She mouthed the words to a few hymns as we sang. It would have been really cool if it had been the same hymn we were singing, but beggars can't be choosers. No, of course she was mouthing along with us. Mom said she doesn't sing much anymore, but she obviously still can remember the songs. That is truly a blessing.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms that read this.


Auntie Eisel said...

Well, I'm no mother, but thanks anyway! Unison huh? That's a real feat! Maybe you should share your talent with the world! Or something...... I'm glad your Mother's day went well.

Caleb said...

We don't use a Baptist Hymnal but I think that Mom and Dad could tell you the number if you gave them a hymn. Tell Aunt Kathie Happy Mother's Day.

Brenda Walker said...

Sounds like a nice mother's day! Glad you got to visit Neen!