Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Look Out, Ben's Of The World

That's right. I got my state/FBI fingerprint card today, so now I can substitute teach in AZ. I went a while ago and filled out employment forms at Kathie's school so I can get paid. Now, I just wait. Yes, I am getting pretty good at that. No, maybe I am not.

Email today includes 2 promising tidbits. The tid is a phone interview on Monday for a Programming Manager position in Scottsdale. The bits are that a contact at University of Phoenix has put my name in for 3 positions there, and he feels confident that 1 and maybe 2 will contact me for an interview.

Even so, Kathie and I have committed to constant, focused prayer for this week to be sure we know what God is saying...not only about the job, but about Himself. I am often reminded of an old GVB song which says "I believe. Help thou my unbelief. I walk into the unknown trusting in Your love."


Lindsay Ward said...

We'll be praying for the tid an both bits and any other opportunities that God wants to send your way.

Mimi and Poppy said...

It sounds like things are cranking up there. If nothing else, I think subbing should yield some great new stories. Remember my school-teaching stories from days gone by? Of course my students were quite special. We are continuing to pray. Don't be afraid. Don't tremble or fear. The Lord your God is with you and He will not fail or forsake you. Be strong and courageous. Be careful to do everything according to His word and He will give you success in all you do. (A little Nisey paraphrase from Joshua 1). Grace to you.