Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Still A Pain

I am, of course, talking about Kathie's hand after her surgery yesterday. The doctor said it was the best of the circumstances as far as what he had to do to fix her pinkie, but she is still in lots of pain. The vicodin does not seem to be helping that much so far. So, keep praying, y'all. Thanks to Dad for taking her to the surgery yesterday. Alison is staying with her today, using a vacation day from school. Thanks, Ali.

On an even sadder note, a friend in the Chorale lost her husband yesterday. We have known her for over 20 years, and when I led music out in East Mesa, she was my accompanist. Her husband has been sick a while and in declining health, but I think this was unexpected. Keep her and her family in your prayers, too.

On a sad note, but in a different way, I have another Clarity of Vision cartoon to inflict on you.Yes, I know that is not what is changing with the new labeling laws, but the real changes are less funny.

After fussing for months, I finally have an appointment to have my eyes checked this afternoon and get some new glasses on order. If you remember, the anti-UV (or maybe anti-glare) coating on my glasses is almost worn off and has left a series of cloudy spots across the viewing area. So, for a while, I have just been removing them except for driving. I bought some reading glasses for close-up assistance. It has been about four years, so I guess it is time to check them anyway.

I have a training class to give this afternoon, so I'll be performing a final review in the morning to make sure the presentation is focused on their needs and provides the details they need to use the tool.

It looks like our The Price Is Right episode may not air until August. I am not sure what it means. Did it not air yesterday? According to the CBS Airdate calendar, they skipped over our episode even though they told us it was to be on 2/15/11. Maybe they found out about the president's news conference and delayed it? Anyway, one of the team called and it should be on around August or so.

OK, I am news'd out. No wait, one more thing. It looks like they are working on putting the musical Newsies on stage. Did y'all see it? It had Bill Pullman, Robert Duvall and Christian Bale in it and told the story of the newsboys strike of 1899. I liked it and think it could be a fun stage production.

OK, now I am really finished for today. Thanks for your patience, unless you already bailed out, in which case you are not reading this anyway, so I do thank those of you still reading for your patience. See you in 24 hours or so.


Keith said...

"Newsies" has potential? Did I watch the same one you watched?!?
Yeah, I think I'll pass on the stage production.
...Unless Christian Bale does his part as Batman bringing justice in the corrupt world of newspaper delivery.

Brenda Walker said...

well I think a stage performance would be fun! I would see it. Hope Aunt Kathie's finger heals fast and the pain goes away

CrazyUncle said...

Thanks, Brenda. At least someone is being supportive.

SuzieQ said...

Hope Kathie's pain passes soon. I saw this on TPIR website when trying to find your episode to watch...
Today, Tuesday, February 15th, the original episode (#5442K) of THE PRICE IS RIGHT was preempted in the Eastern and Central time zones due to President Obama's News Conference. A repeat episode (#5242K OAD:09/28/10) will air in the Mountain and Pacific time zones.
But, it did not say when it would air....