Tuesday, February 15, 2011

At Least It Is Outpatient

So, Kathie goes in for surgery on her hand today. For those of you praying for her, the time has been moved up to 2:30pm (that's 1430 for you military types). Dad is going to drive her so I can save my time off for Thursday. Ali will stay with her tomorrow. Why do we need to be there?Well, just in case, since she will be on pain pills for the first couple of days. You know how that can mess up your balance and perception.

Now, how about we consider how well her surgeon was trained.

Kyle and Lyndsay got a new TV and gave us their old one. Wow. A big flat screen does help the viewing experience, doesn't it? And it is so thin compared to our 27" CRT screen. Just think how much fun it will be to watch The Price Is Right on it. You know what I mean. The episode with Kathie and I on it, airing this morning on CBS. It is on channel 5 at 9am in PHX. Does my teammate win anything? Well, he does get on stage with Drew Carey, so let's hope so.

Speaking of giving us things, I am writing this post while listening to Blood, Sweat and Tears on an old iPod that Ali gave me when she got a new one. Sure, the screen is broken, but the music still plays and I can still use the touchscreen.

Did you notice that I just went 10 minutes without writing in this post? No, of course you didn't, but it is true. I am already getting distracted. I've got today's 8:30am meeting, and tomorrow afternoon, I have a tool training session with a business group. So, I am already distracted. Don't forget to pray for Kathie later today. I'll give you an update tomorrow.

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