Thursday, February 03, 2011

Cold For Us is Not the Same as Cold For You

OK, while we are supposed to reach 50F today, I am thinking maybe some of you are in colder climes. Yeah, I guess I will take the PHX version of winter over the rest of the country's weather today. I did leave a slight drip from a faucet last night to prevent freezing, but that is because we rarely have to worry about unprotected water pipes here, so few builders worry about it. And it is probably less prevalent in the city compared with rural areas. Uh oh, My parent live off of Rural Blvd. Co-inky-dink? I think not.

It is unlikely that me including a Clarity of Vision cartoon in today's blog is a coincidence either. Nor that you will read it right now. There. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Hey, we had to go to the Fire Department last night. We went to a local jeweler to have Kathie's rings cut off so the doctor can set her broken pinkie. They told us the wedding band was too wide for their tools and suggested that the Fire Dept would have the appropriate tool. Off we went and they were not sure they could handle it either. If not, they said an emergency room would have to do the ring removal. Well, it turns out they were able to cut both rings off. Wow. Her finger was swollen more than either of us realized. So, now she can get a more permanent cast for her little finger.

I guess we are going to Casey's house for Super Bowl. I will throw my newly-sorted game-carrying boxes into the car in hopes of playing a little in between commercials. Surely someone will want to play Play Nine with me. I'd like to see how it changes the strategeries with 3 or 4 players.

I ended up working at home last night trying to finish the documentation that everyone is waiting on. I finally stopped around 9:30pm. That is just wrong. Since there is still work to be done, I think I will go do it. You should get yours done, too, so you don't have to work at home tonight. See ya.


Brenda Walker said...

It is weird that you are having freezing temperatures. I saw pictures of Grandad's fountain. That's crazy. Glad you were able to get Aunt Kathie's ring off and didn't have to resort to Zachary's method.

Anonymous said...

game all i can think of! how can you play a game with all of the coughing? do you just call a time their a game table or just a game floor area? do you let someone else win? i usually let my grand-daughter win most of the time; pat cant play any games so we have me the designated person who is always worn out after playing at grandma & grandpas house. she usually brings one in after the other until i slip in the words "we will play more later?" then she knows grandma is tired...

am glad to hear the removing of the rings did not happen in the emergency room (less expensive too)
as for the work-whats that? dont have a place to escape to but, am trying not to lose my mind since one of us has to have a mind still with some memory left in it.