Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another Evening Vision of Clarity

Hmm. It looks as if they purposely decided to block this site since I could not get in from work again today. They are pushing me to having to do this at night, and that is not nice.

They cannot stop me from doing my cartoon, though. Well, I suppose they could if they took away Visio. I am certainly not an artist, so I would have to find another way to create my characters. Here is what those sneaky little characters said today.

It looks as if my cousin, Cindy, is quite ill. I know that she has outlived the original estimates by almost double, and that I do not see her very often, but to lose a cousin in a similar age bracket is very sad. And she has been such an important part of their family, and all of our families. Pray for her family as they deal with her illness.

See, the brain freeze has already happened. I knew this would be a problem writing the blog at night. I may have to still write it in the morning and just publish it to you at night.

I have got to go buy a copy of this year's TurboTax and get my tax returns done. Alison already sent hers in. I am not sure where KLIK are in completing theirs since they use a lady.

I hear some Beatles stuff in the background, so I need to set American Idol to record. I don't usually watch, but I am interested in their arrangements of classic Beatles' songs.

OK, that's all I'm going to say about that. See you tomorrow...probably at night again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beatles: cassandra & i watched it here at the house....wont tell you the outcome! if pat were here he would give a thumbs only 1/2 up. will pray for "cindy" sounds like she is quite young compared to you? lay off the drugs randy...getting this at night put me in extreme shock before i use to not get them until after midnight, i would tell pat sometimes while he was working in the vault room (stamp/coins was his hobbies) so this is where the term vault came from. I showed pats daughter this room, she was amazed since it is like walking into a store. have a great day! hope kathy is feeling better after tomorrow? i bet in her class the kids are curious as to when its going to look normal? well gotta run as have some more emails to read. pat & i already had done our fed tax but not the state yet. a friend is going to help me do the state since i already know "cha-ching" will be collecting their share of my allowance money! later, gator.....patch