Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Weird Dreams

I am thinking this cough medicine is giving me some weird dreams at night. The other day, I dreamed that my maternal grandmother, Neen, was showing us her "prison tats" the other day. I cannot remember why, but I had told Kathie about it, so luckily, she remembers more of the story. Last night, I dreamed that my paternal grandmother, Mamaw, was talking to my cousin about another cousin that knew Herman's Hermits. Why? I don't know. And I am quite sure Mamaw would never have even known that Herman's Hermits ever existed. I hope my cough is over soon.

I can certainly relate to how the weather is so cold right now across the nation. After all, we will not even get up to 50F today. I had to wear a sweater!

Are y'all going to a Super Bowl party this weekend? I think we are toying with the idea. And a local radio station did a poll and found that 60% watch the game for the commercials. Well, of course. The football is just gravy on top.

How about a little levity?Still waiting on levity? Sorry. That's all I've got.

Anything else going on? I did not go to Chorale practice last night. The cough is still too strong, and I knew there was no way I cough try and sing. I did, however, go and organize my carrying boxes and bags for my games. I only have two that are domino-based. The rest are word/trivia-based or board and card games. I need to make a list of what we have (and check it twice? Ha!). I would guess we have maybe 40 games or so. Last night, Kathie and I played Play Nine: The Card Game of Golf. We liked that a lot. I had another game ready, but we played several holes of Play Nine. Thanks, Goodwill. This was a good $1.99 investment.

I have got to get going on that documentation/training. The wolves are howling and I don't want to get eaten. So, while I would rather talk about games, I am going to go earn my paycheck. You can go earn yours, too, and we will meet again soon to spend it.


Anonymous said...

coughing? yes i do some of this myself when the allergies are really bad.( if i cough in chorale-i can just feel bruces eyes searching out where this off pitch sound was....kind of like when someones cell phone goes off? almost as if we should pay the fine for the same kind of distraction; i generally chew gum to keep from coughing so my throat doesnt get too dry) yes, i know its against the "singing" rules..maybe your next dream you will be a millionare with the mansion pkg. no-we are not in the millionaire category, feel at times we are in the "povertyaire" club due to everything $$$ wise with a HUMBLE heart I still give thanks as its always "just-enough". hope you feel better soon! craig cant carry the tenors section without his side-kick.. I hope kathy is doing better with her finger/situation? to have rings cut off-my mom had to have all her rings cut off before she passed pains you to have to get something like this repaired as it almost feels like you have been violated or robbed in a sense. well enough babbling....keep warm!

SuzieQ said...

So, I did laugh out loud when you said you had to wear a sweater!! Aren't we spoiled here??? Hope your cough goes soon. I have a co-worker who's 9 year old has a persistent cough for months with no cause found yet. They have tested him for bunches of stuff, including Valley Fever. I wonder if Stephen King had a cough...