Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Countdown to a CD

We are about six weeks away from recording a CD in the East Valley Chorale. It is currently scheduled to take 12 hours over the final weekend in March. That is about one hour per song. My throat is tired just reading about it. Hopefully, the adrenaline will keep us going. It will surely be easier that having to yell for an entire hour during the taping of The Price Is Right. Our TPIR will air one week from today. Set your DVRs.

Today's CoV is pulled from the idea file. I wondered what the time difference would be between waiting in a long line behind someone with a piled full cart and looping through an express line multiple times.
Well, the training class I taught yesterday went fine. I only had about 45 minutes, so I moved fairly quickly through the material. Now, I need to prepare for training outside of the Project Management team. First, I probably ought to learn what their screens look like. I'll get on that today.

So, I know you have heard all about Christina Aguilera messing up the words to the national anthem. I also imagine you have seen the majority of the Super Bowl (TM) commercials and chosen your favorites. I certainly liked the Darth Vader kid Volkswagen commercial. The Roseanne Barr Snickers commercial was not as clever as the original with Betty White. The Doritos ads were cute. I laughed at the Pepsi Max can thrown at the girl. What did y'all think?

I see that the game is now the most viewed TV program ever. That may be, but I wonder how the total number compares to the percentage of TVs tuned to programs in the past. You know what I mean? An average of 111 million watched the game compared to 106 million average for the M*A*S*H finale. But I would think that 106 million in 1983 was a bigger percent of the total number of TVs compared to now.

The AZ Super Bowl committee is hoping that the inclement weather in Big D last weekend gives us a leg up in trying to win the 2015 Super Bowl. Still, we will obviously be competing with Tampa and Miami for warm weather spots.

Now it's time to say goodbye to all our company. See you real soon. Why? Because I like you.

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