Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Not a Pawn

I may not be a pawn, but I am now an official pawn shopper. We went to check out a pawn shop on Saturday. I was looking to see if they had a Macbook Pro, but they said all computers sell the same day they put them out. I would say they handle mostly jewelry, but had lots of guns and some electronics, also. In fact, we saw a pretty nice 32" HD TV for $199. They saw us looking at it and said, "You can walk out the door with that for $160." Yeah, we bought it to replace a 22" that did not work well at Alison's house.

That same activity also led to today's CoV, thanks to a discussion we had at lunch yesterday. Leigh suggested the punchline.

I think the rest of the weekend was normal. Mostly around the house stuff. Kathie's hand is still hurting somewhat. That is not good, so keep her in your prayers. Ali came over to help with laundry. We had dinner with the GRANDS on Friday night.

PHX is scheduled to reach the 80s by the end of the week. I knew it would be here too soon. I guess the first week of March is not uncommon, but it was really nice being in the mid-60s over the weekend. I heard North Scottsdale got snow. I did see the Superstition Mountains had a dusting of snow yesterday.

I've got three hours of meetings this afternoon, so I will need to get some real work done this morning. How about you? Are Mondays always crazy?

I noticed that the inspection sticker on my windshield that says when my next oil change should be shows December, 2009. Yes, I said '09. I suppose it is about time, right? Well, I pretty much only drive it to work, so at 30 miles per workday, and about 200 workdays per year, that means I have gone maybe 7000 miles since the last oil change. That's not killer, but I'm sure it is not good. Maybe I'll do something about that this week. I said maybe.

I hear the sounds of a business waking up around me. I'll leave you thinking about your own vehicle maintenance schedule. We can meet back here tomorrow, and even carpool if you want. See you then.

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