Friday, February 18, 2011

A Heavenly Choir

I was thinking about Denise and Pat this morning. His funeral is tomorrow morning, but that is for those of us left behind. What about Pat? Well, Praise the Lord, we know where he is today. That made me remember some incidents from the past. We have known them since before they were married. He used to occasionally sing in the choir at Corona with me and had a pretty good tenor voice. In recent years, he has not been able to sing, but he would come to some East Valley Chorale concerts and would mouth some of the familiar songs. Now, I know what he is doing because I would be doing it, too. I think the words to a current Chorale song are appropriate.

I'll be singing with the saints at the morning light,
Ringing in the day 'cause there is no night;
Saying goodbye to the heartache, trouble and pain.
I'll be sitting at the throne with an angel band,
Shouting hallelujah to the Great I Am!
If you think it's a dream, well, it ain't,
I'll be singing with the saints.

I was also thinking of my wife's healing pinkie and began to think of trying to use a computer with one hand out of commission, which led me to consider what if you only had maybe 1-2 fingers on each hand available to type.

While the funeral is in the morning, we will be going to see Gnomeo and Juliet with KLIK in the afternoon. I don't think we have any other plans for the weekend.

I am only staying at work until lunch time. Alison is back at school today, so I will head on home to help Kathie around the house, fix lunch, maybe some laundry, etc. Her hand was hurting badly last night, so I don't want her trying to do too much and involuntarily flexing her broken finger. I will carry the computer home and maybe do a bit more work in the afternoon.

We have about a 50% chance of rain tomorrow. I welcome that. It will cool us down a bit and clear the air of the winter particulates. We have not had any yet this year (at least officially at the airport).

Yeah, I don't really sound ebullient today, do I? Or maybe I do, since I have no idea what I just said. Then again, I rarely get that way in the morning.

Listen, I need to get going now so I can get going later. Hey, that's kinda funny, right? Have a good weekend. See you next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks randy for the reminder of pats love for HIS music...what an incredible journey pat took me through to be his eyes to see the beauty from a different perspective. pat would come home & tell me he would tune his ears to the basses/tenors; tenors because he knew a crazy guy named randy (bass because he sang in quartets at baseline road as well as duets with me) he felt it was such an honor to know he was sitting next to a person who sang "to" God instead of performing for ourselves & others. he would always ask: did you talk to randy? or what was his wife up to? what special friends you and kathy have been all these years. THANK-YOU! am praying for kathy to not have pain (pat was aware of what happened and said:you need to stop being a bully to your wife!!! well am kind of behind in reading (like around 60 each day this week) will continue doing my daily devotion as i shared them with pat along with the blog which i am still the rookie at.....Blessings to your mom & dad too!