Friday, February 04, 2011

At Least I Made It to Work

We do not often get snow days here in PHX. We have to drive our kids up north for them to even know what snow looks like. Of course, we will pay for the blessings of no snow when summer comes and we spend 1/3 of it above 100F and maybe even above 110F. When we burn our fingers opening the car door or taking the keys out of the ignition, you have my permission to laugh and tease us.

Speaking of snow, though.

I took home my computer last night, but was not able to convince myself to work at home. I've got all day today to get the next training deck complete.

I did not take any cough medicine last night. That is the first time in a week I slept with no medicinal inducements. I still have a minor cough and some congestion, but I should be able to make it without pills now.

I think we may go investigate glasses on Saturday. We have been needing them for a while, but have not checked out the best deals yet.

Anything else for today? Nothing pops into my mind. That is probably good for both of us. If you will hang on for a second, my fingers will coast to a stop on the keyboard and we can both walk away with no shame or embarrassment. See you Monday.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

This is my second day this week stuck at home b/c of snow! This weekend and next week are going to be loooong!