Thursday, October 27, 2005

Zachary Did It..Why Can't I?

For all of you running OS 10.4 (Tiger), I have created a new widget that I think you will find helpful. Please download it here


Mimi and Poppy said...

I don't think it is very nice of you to make fun of widgets like that. They can't help it that they are little. And I also think that any of the family who is running with a Tiger should be very careful. They are, after all, wild animals and sometimes eat people.

Brenda Walker said...

Hey Crazy Uncle, are you trying to undermine my widgetocity? If anyone is still running my special widget then installing yours prompts them to erase mine. I suppose since your birthday is sooner than mine they can run yours until then, after that I will have to repost my widget. Happy B-day when it comes!!!

Lindsay Ward said...

So what are the widgets for? Birthday reminders? For those of us not dumb enough to run with tigers.

Brenda Walker said...

I think it's time for an update Crazy Uncle REW, we're ready for some more entertainment and life lessons from one of our infinitely wise uncles. If you need a little extra wisdom you can call my dad!!!

Caleb said...

Azy-cray Uncle-way? What is that? Are you usually Crazy Wuncle? Zachary's comment was a little degrading, wouldn't you say? One of our infinitely wise uncles? That implies that Uncle Rick is as "infinitely wise" as you. And, you "The One who Runs with Tigers", disagrees with those who don't run with tigers. If both of you are infinitely wise you are both equally right. And we can't always trust those unwilling to use Macintosh computers. Please help me on this.