Saturday, July 07, 2007

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

Strange title, huh? Well, that's because we just got back from Ouray, CO. We went up expecting highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 40s. We actually had highs in the upper 80s and lows in the low 50s. Rain had also been forecast. So, while it was a lot cooler that highs in the upper 110s and lows in the mid 90s here in PHX, it wasn't exactly what I expected. Still, now that we are back, I miss being in a place where the hughs are lower than our lows.

No pictures just yet. So that I would not fill my camera's memory card, I offloaded the photos to preacher brother's laptop each night. I am waiting to get a copy of my photos plus his plus sister's plus whoever else offloaded. I know we ended up with over 1200 pics, so it will be exciting. I could be posting photos from now until I get a job .


Katie80 said...

With all the comments on my blog, I came over here expecting some pictures. I guess you have a decent excuse though. I sure do wish we could've been there with y'all. I MISS COLORADO!!
I'll be checking back periodically...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too wish we could have come! Alas, no such luck was to be had! I am glad that y'all had a good time, even with all of the broken down Jeeps!

Anonymous said...

I am expecting pictures soon.

Lindsay Ward said...

I can't wait to see everyone else's pictures! I need to be sure and get copies of the CD's.