Friday, February 23, 2007

Haggis Heaven

It's that time again! The Scottish Highland Games in lovely Mesa, AZ. Tomorrow and Sunday, although we ususally only go on Saturday. The last weekend in Feb every year. Dancers. Athletic events. Food that is not good for you. Sword fights, and that is in line for the food. Mini Coopers. Scottish goods for sale. Bagpipers and drummers everywhere.

This year, though, there is something special. It will be Isabella's first games. She should like seeing the young dancers. And the Scottish rockers might be fun for her, too. Mostly, though, she will like being outdoors and being wih Nana. Come to think of it, so will I.

This photo is of a dude trying to catch that 16 lb weight and balance it on his nose. Well, it might be a dude trying to fling the weight up over that bar. I can't actually remember. My favorite Scottish event is the caber toss. My favorite Scottish instrument is the bagpipe. My favorite Scottish food, at least at the games, is a meat pie with HP sauce. My favorite Scottish drink is not Scotch, it is Irn Bru ("made from girders."). My favorite Scottish castle is Stirling.
Aye, laddie.

I will be over this by Monday...I promise.


Brenda Walker said...

I have never been to any Scottish festivals, I will have to try one sometime!

The Grandparents said...

I saw something in the paper about the Scottish games being this weekend, and wondered if you were going to be able to attend. Have a grrrrreat time, laddie!

Katie80 said...

We were just reminded of HP sauce yesterday, it's funny that you mentioned it.
Unfortunately, I'm not really a fan.
Looks like y'all had fun!