Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Days in a Row

Whoo hoo. I can get on again today. That means I am inflicting my comments and cartoon on you early in the day so you can get over it before lunch and have a pleasant evening and weekend. It also means I don't have to write any of this at night.

Speaking of night, we went to dinner with the folks at Olive Garden last night. As usual, we ate too much and so, I have leftovers for lunch. Mmm mmm. How do you like that delicious garlic smell, you people in nearby cubicles? It was to celebrate Dad's and my birthdays in December (we usually go out then but never got around to it) and Mom's birthday earlier this week. We'll worry about Kathie's birthday in a few months.

Speaking of Kathie, today we examine who the real boss is for Mr. Blue. Come on, guys. You already know.

My cousin with Down's Syndrome passed away yesterday. Cindy was in her mid-50s, which is very uncommon for people with her condition. Once I heard the news, I of course prayed for her Mom, Aunt Frances, and her brother, Lewis. You can help with that, too. It also brought to mind the special relationship we had growing up. I am so glad we got to see her last summer at the family reunion after so many years of not traveling back to Shreveport. Today, she is with her father and our Savior in heaven and is truly whole. I look forward to seeing her again someday.

I've got an idea for a CoV, but am not sure if it will work. Usually, I don't mention them until they bake, but I don't know. Here's the details. I saw a news report yesterday with the following details.

Japan company developing sensors for seniors
TOKYO -- Japan's top telecoms company is developing a simple wristwatch-like device to monitor the well-being of the elderly, part of a growing effort to improve care of the old in a nation whose population is aging faster than anywhere else.

Now, my first thought was based on the last few words. People in Japan age faster? Is it anything like one year for our dog is like seven years for us? How could I turn that into a cartoon? Ideas? I thought about having it be a newscaster and then comments from people watching, but I don't know how to get there. I don't really want to call them dogs, but how else can I get the reader to follow my concept?

No training scheduled today, and only one meeting. Sounds nice, right?

Kathie goes back to the orthopedic surgeon this afternoon. She is still in some pain, but is hopeful that the healing is on track and she can get the final cast. Hey, is there a cartoon around mistaking the word cast (as in on the hand) with cast (as in a bunch of people singing)? I'll have to mull that one over.

Plans for the weekend? Nothing comes to mind. Maybe we can catch a movie. Speaking of which, I want to see Adjustment Bureau. Have you seen the ads? We can certainly go to brunch in the morning? It's been a couple of weeks since we were able to get up to The Good Egg. They have a Frequent Eaters club that gives you a free entree after purchasing five.

OK, stop reading over my shoulder and go do something productive today. Also, have a good weekend and come back Monday refreshed and ready to suffer through my blog. See ya.

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