Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Like Warmed Up Leftovers

Yeah, that's how I feel right now. I mean it is better than the last few days, but not optimal. I still have a horrible cough, so I will avoid people today and probably Chorale practice tonight. Still, it is not bad enough to keep me at home. I am sure I am not contagious. Well, as sure as I can be after diagnosing myself.

If you remember my comments from last week, I was so far behind that I was blurry eyed. After missing work, I am so far behind that I cannot even see how far behind I am. I guess that's its own blessing, huh? It does mean, though, that even though I have much to tell you, I will not include it all in today's post.

Kathie does not have to have surgery on her pinkie. Yea!! She went to another doctor yesterday and got the final determination. She does have to have her wedding and engagement rings removed...probably by cutting them off. That's a major bummer. We will try a jeweler rather than the ZKW method of jewelry removal.

Today's Clarity of Vision is specific to terminology used here for transferring system knowledge from the project team to the support team. Still, I will share it with you.That's just the kind of guy I am.

Kathie and I missed out on the Zoo outing with KLIK last Saturday. It sounds like they had a good time. On the plus side, I did catch up on TV watching. Well, sometimes, I caught up on TV listening. I had a program on, but because my head hurt, I would listen to the program and open my eyes to catch scene changes.

I want to talk more about the behind-the-scenes stuff at TPIR, but not today. No, today, I must get ready for the 8:30am and then work on the documentation. maybe tomorrow. Check back then.


Keith said...

Welcome back. We missed you.
Craig, sorry I accused you of being somehow complicit in Randy's disappearance. Your previous blackmail remarks just made me suspicious. Are we good now?

CrazyUncle said...

Preacher Bro, Shhh!!! I barely escaped last time. Do not anger him.

Craig Weeks said...

Keith, we are always good.

Randy, just sayin' (click here)