Friday, November 28, 2008

She Didn't Remind Me

OK, so what if you asked your spouse to remind you of something and they did not? Wouldn't you think it was their fault and not yours? Me, too. OK, what if the request went something like this? "Hey, hon. Remind me to blog about getting soap in my eyes and that reminded me of God." Now, would you remind your spouse or not?

Exactly. I am certainly suspicious. OK, so, I did get soap in my eyes and I did consider God in that moment. I got enough soap in my eye that it was stinging like crazy and I could not open it for a couple of minutes. And it continued to sting for quite a while. Sure, we have all done that. I guess my own uniqueness shows up in that I considered God in that moment. No, I was not blaming Him. God made it so that my eye shut and tears began to wash out the impurities. Try as I might, I could not open that eye at first. I finally held it open under the water to assist the natural healing. Didn't God design our bodies systems perfectly?

The other night, Kathie was sick and throwing up. Again, God designed our bodies to remove those things that could injure us. As a programmer, I think logically about how I could simulate some of these things in a program. God considered every part of our bodies and our being. It is amazing.

Time to shut down tonight.
I have another post scheduled for tomorrow. I am not going to tell you what it will cover. You'll just have to wait and see. I also have to post about Thanksgiving and the warm welcome I continuously get as the self-appointed photographer for these events. Hmmph.


Caleb said...

So will there be two separate posts today? One about surprising information and the other about Thanksgiving? Good to see y'all.
Do you by any chance have P.D.Q. Bach's "A Consort of Choral Christmas Carols?"

CrazyUncle said...

I did not promise an additional post today. If I put up two in a day, people might see that I updated not check to see if there was more than the first one they see. No, No, my friend. That was not implied in my recent missive. Also, I do not have any carols about Uncle John or Hackensack. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

As the self-appointed photographer of my family I too am not greeted with a warm welcome. In fact as stated in a previous post most people turn their heads in the opposite direction and run.