Monday, April 16, 2007

Plastic and Paparazzi

Isabella went to Fiesta Mall Friday night, so Alison, Nana and I tagged along. While the women shopped, the kids went to the children's play area. At first, Bella was a little intimidated. After watching for a bit, she decided that she could step up onto the bridge and walk across it. She fell a few times, but ended up playing on the bridge for over 15 minutes. Towards the end, she was so tired she fell almost every time when she tried to step off, but she would not give up. Luckily, she had her pacifier to help balance herself. She tried to climb on some higher structures, but couldn't figure how to shift her weight so she could get up there. So, she kept coming back to the bridge because she had mastered it. If someone else was on it, she would not back down and she still crossed through.

Before we went, I saw that her Mom and Nana were treating her to some Britney Spears news. She certainly studied it closely, taking in both all the Brit tidbits and also the styling looks of Dannielynn in the photo. Lyndsay was acting like she wasn't looking at the magazine, but you can tell by where she is holding it that she already checked it out the same way. And Kathie is not even trying to fake it. They obviously want Bella to learn something from her time.

And sure enough, Isabella DID learn from her time in the competitive world of paparrazi. Here, we were on the way home from church and tried to engage her in a conversation. Did she talk to us? Did she make a noise like a dog or a cow or a platypus? She did NOT. In fact, she went so far as to pull out her own sunglasses and put them on. I'm sure she figured that if she couldn't see us, then we couldn't see her.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that Bella is keeping up with the latest happenings in Hollywood. She's lookin' good in her shades

Lindsay Ward said...

What a beautiful granddaughter!! Thanks for keeping us updated since her parents seem a little busy!

Aaron, Kara, Walker, Sophie June, and Ford said...

She's so cute! Is she coming to CO this summer?