Sunday, March 25, 2007

One Year Old Already?

Now come on! How many of us enjoy a birthday cake like Isabella did yesterday? Oh yes, she had her own cake to consume or demolish, and she did a little of both. Then, Lyndsay and friends got to clean up that purple. Even Bella came out a little stained, but that doesn't show well in the pictures.

Take a look in the corner on the left of the picture. That is what still remained of the birthday girl's stash after opening maybe one-third of them. And it does not include the gift in the next picture. As you might expect, she often enjoyed the tissue paper stuffed into gift bags as much as the gifts themselves. Stlll, I think her folks managed to involve her in 75%+ of the openings.

Now, in my view, her favorite present, at least as far as immediate reactions, was the two-seater wagon. Here, you can see the Queen For A Day sitting in her royal throne. This picture was actually taken, of course, before the cake picture, but I wanted the flow of this post to start with the reckless abandon of playing in food. Now, you can see her original party outfit and her beaming about her sweet ride. ZKW, she could probably use some hardware into which to plug her iPod when she gets one. Hint, hint.

It was a great party, great food (no, everyone did not get their own cake nor did anyone else eat practically naked), lots of gifts, and all of Bella's extended family. Thanks to all who helped make it a success.

Official update for Leigh: I have 624 photos involving Isabella. You were the closest guess.

Happy Birthday, Isabella.


The Grandparents said...

Great!! The Bible study class, and the 2007 scrapbook, appreciate your photos greatly! Especially the "eating birthday cake with wild abandon"! Thank you. Enjoyed your commentary, also. And lunch with y'all today.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Bella throughly enjoyed herself. I think we should all enjoy food that much!