Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Post-President's Day Post

Officially, the US Government refers to President's Day as Washington's Birthday. Yeah, they seem to have left Lincoln out of it. What's up with that? As you may have noticed, I did not post because the company gives us the day off (maybe since we are an education-related company). Anyway, it also meant I did not create a Clarity of Vision, but I did create one in celebration of President's Day.

During the weekend, we scooted up to cooler climes in the northeast part of the state. How cool was it? Well, for those of you in other parts of the country, this scene may look way too common. For us, where it was reaching 88F at home, this was very welcome.

At lunch one day, the restaurant had a shuffle board type game where you push a metal disk toward the other end of the table covered by sawdust. She mentioned it was like curling and I said "Yes, it is" without thinking what she meant. So, after we ordered lunch, she went over to play and placed the disk on the table. She then picked up the brush you can see in the right hand gutter and pushed the disk towards me and began to sweep of the sawdust in front of the disk. Yes, I did have to laugh and then told her the sawdust was important and it was played differently than curling.

I have actually been watching the Olympic coverage as I type this on Monday night. I will end it now to see if the American pair can win gold. We will finish the post on Tuesday morning from work.

And...we're back. if you are reading this and you can see this sentence, it means we both made it to Tuesday. And it means I can announce that the US skaters did indeed win Gold. Congrats to them.

I am sure I have highlighted this type of thing before, but here is a funny review for a book in Amazon. The book, Avoid Huge Ships, seems like an interesting read, doesn't it?

My early morning perusal of all things interweb did not bring up anything else I want to share today, so let's start our day a little early. Come on. It is only a four day workweek for many of us, so we need to work 25% harder each day to get our week's output completed.

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