Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Git 'Er Done

It is a full hour after my normal blogging time, so today's blog post will really be short and sweet. I did not write it last night since I had Chorale practice and then food shopping at Whole Foods (whew, that place is not cheap). I did take a few minutes to load the last couple of week's worth of photos onto my computer, but it was late and I did not review them nor upload any to the blog.

Tonight, I meet with a woman from our Sunday School class to practice for singing Sunday morning. It is just a hymn, and only the two of us, so it should be straightforward. No, I cannot tell you which hymn as I do not remember the name (it is not one of your common ones, although I do remember it).

It appears I was aware of Twitter back in 2009. I am no more conversant in it here almost five years later, but this could still work.

I did see this article on the best way to hold a hamburger to avoid wearing it for the rest of the day (it would probably work for a veggie burger, too!).

Whew, I whipped this out pretty quickly. Do not look at the edges or you will see I did not have time to do it properly. Using the word whipped above reminds me of the way they talk about that word a lot on Family Guy. Haven't seen any of those episodes. Read about the Stewie pronunciation here.

More tomorrow, I promise.

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