Tuesday, February 04, 2014

It's a Clean Machine

The Beatles may have sung those words in Penny Lane, but it is not actually true of our new (to us) washing machine. We went and got it last night from a friend who is retiring. It has a bit of rust damage to the lid, but, most importantly, it runs. They have a new one at their new house, so this has not been used in a few months. Needless to say, we wanted to run a few loads through it with some bleach and then some vinegar to clear out the musty smells. After that, I ran a load of towels through it and they came out clean and did not smell bad. Whoo hoo. Success.

I'm going to use that as my excuse for why I did not do any photo uploading last night. It also means we have not placed any weekend photos of the GRANDS on the Book of Face.

You know, this vegan diet had better pay off in the next few years by reducing serious illness and hospital visits because, for now, it is stinking expensive. It costs a lot more to eat healthy than junk food and fast food. I guess I need to get a couple of non-stick pans and do some of it. Sure, it looks real easy when I go to that vegan cooking class and she has all the ingredients and all the cooking utensils and has done it before. Then again, Dad is picking up the cooking thing fairly well. I'll keep you informed how it's going. For tonight, though, I'll hit Whole Foods on my way home after Chorale practice.

As you know. I refer to my family by their initials or initial chosen for them. These include MBH-My Better Half, TD-Teacher Daughter, SS-Salesman Son, LMW-daughter-in-love, JV+KLIK-Son and his family. Ex-NZ Niece-a niece who spent 1-1/2 years in NZ as an ex-pat, CPA Cuz-you can guess that one. Anyway, as I wrote the previous paragraph, I thought about calling Dad by a set of initials. I changed my mind when the best one, My Old Man, would have had me call him by a weird set of initials. I toyed with finding words that would let me call Mom DAD, but could find the clever words to do so.

Today's Blast-From-the-Past CoV seems torn from today's Obamacare headlines.

What US state would you guess is the "most religious"? Assuming that they asked people about how often they attended, etc, I would have said Utah. I would have been wrong...it was #2. Which state takes the crown? And which state is "least religious?" Read this article and all questions will be answered.

Would you pay $25K or so for an electric car with a range of 75 miles per charge? Sales of the Nissan Leaf are up 25% over the previous year. It would be cool to avoid gas prices, but I could only use it as our commuter car. It wouldn't be practical for CO or CA trips, or even reaching JV+KLIK.

Do you watch Shark Tank. We do, and I like it. I also used to enjoy the program Pitchmen, about the guys to make infomercials and all the product pitches they used to see. Back to Shark Tank, have you thought about how important the TV time is, even if they do not get an offer from a shark? This article talks about one such product. I thought it was interesting.

Gots to go, folks. I types past my normally allotted time for blogging, so now, I am in a hurry. I don't have time for a clever ending sentence, so let's just awkwardly turn away from each other and walk away.

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