Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Brain Freeze (And Not Because of the Weather)

Did I mention that we have been watching some of the Olympics? Last night, we watched some curling before we went to our vegan cooking class and men's freestyle skiing after class. One of those inspired today's Clarity of Vision.

However, I did not remember to load up photos after the class. So, it's just you and me, sitting here, quietly waiting for the other to raise a topic that we can discuss....

The cooking class was nice. It was lower key than last month. She left topics up to us, saying the overall theme would be "How to convert your favorite recipes to be healthier". Healthier may mean just that, or it could mean to go all the way to vegetarian or even vegan. So, we asked about a Mexican casserole that SS and I used to devour. Holly gave us some ideas, so we might try it.

If you could know how long you will live, would you like to know? If you knew, you could maximize on those things that are important to you, but you might worry as the time ticked away. If you did not know, would you or your family feel sad that you missed out on anything? Anyway, I know this is totally unscientific, but this quiz asks lifestyle questions to give you a number. I will apparently make it to age 83.

Want to know some options for hanging family photos? This houzz article has some cool options.

Apparently, I've got nothing today. So, since it is just you and I, we can each go our separate ways and get Friday over with so Saturday will arrive. have a pleasant weekend.

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