Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Survived Wednesday Night

What does that mean? It means Survivor is back, baby. No, I did not expect the blindside during the final vote. I don't think it was a wise choice, but it was fun.

Did you notice that I posted this a little later than normal. I don't know why. I kind of checked a few websites for posting ideas, then drifted over towards work and only just now realized I had not made my final comments and published the post. Sorry.

Maybe what constrains you is something frees me? That sounds like something a psychiatrist might say, right? Today's CoV is actually about constraints in project management.

Teacher Daughter was reading to her niece when said niece wanted to get a selfie with both of them looking surprised. How did they do?

This article is about a type of transplants that I never knew existed. I didn't even know it was something people considered transplanting.

For some reason, this song was going through my mind earlier. I suppose there are worse songs I could have been thinking about, right? It came into my head, but I could not remember who sang it. Then, I looked up the lyrics and it had that video link, so I had to watch it.

What's for lunch? Usually, I know because I bring it with me. today, though, is our February team outing and we are touring a candy factory and eating beforehand. We are going here and the team member who organized today says a) it was featured on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, and b) they do have a vegetarian pizza.

I have a lot to finish before we head out mid-morning, so no time to sit and lollygag. You are welcome to lolly without me, but no gagging, OK?

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