Monday, February 24, 2014


Today's post is a post-birthday post (could I use the word 'post' any more in that sentence). So, that is the PB for the title. We had a pile of siblings come into town for Mom's birthday. We played some games (Scripts and Scribes and Gunrunners). A good time was had by all. And the J is grandson in the photo below.

This month marks six months of eating vegan (looking back over my blog posts, it looks like I started around August second). Has it made a difference? I am not sure how to tell. Do I feel better? Well, I don't feel worse. It is hard to remember exactly how I was feeling in every respect. Will I continue? Yes, for now. Should you convert? That is a decision I cannot make for you.

When you hear the phrase 'blood, sweat and tears', do you think of a singing group from the 60s-70s or do you think of Winston Churchill? In the future, maybe you'll think of Clarity of Vision.

Here is Mom and me spending time with some GRANDS (and GREATS).

Did you watch the Closing Ceremonies from the Olympics? I didn't. We had a Chorale concert last night, so it was nearly 9pm before I got home. Then, I still had to create today's Clarity of Vision. So, no TV. However, there WILL be TV this coming Wednesday night. Why? Survivor is back, baby.

My interweb scan did not reveal any additional links or tidbits to share, so I will let us both start our Monday. Whether your Monday involves Tai Chi, San Diego, the daily job, or watching last week's recordings of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, let's get it going. We can visit again tomorrow.

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