Thursday, February 06, 2014

I Blew My Nose and Then, I Blew My Mind

Apologies to the Rolling Stones for the paraphrase in today's post title. I blew my nose as I was working on the post and that song popped into my head.

Have you seen the Consumer Reports ratings of overall vehicle satisfaction? I'll give you a hint, the top brand starts with "Toy". We had a Camry before we moved to Mexico, but now drive one of the bottom vehicles, a Jeep.

I did upload the recent photos my my home laptop, but we spent our time posting them to Facebook and I did not have access to load them here. Sorry. Go check them out there if you want. I'll share some here soon...maybe tonight.

MBH and I have a funeral to attend this afternoon for the son of some longtime friends. I think he was in his 40s. Pretty sad. You can keep that family in your prayers.

Less sad is another CoV rerun, proudly presenting your favorites from days gone by. Here is a Mt. Rushmore inspired comic from July, 2009. That's why I placed the characters in the order shown.

Are you going to watch the Olympics? I will probably take some looks, but I am not overly psyched. I will not rearrange my schedule for them. What if they were in a time zone where they were more likely to be live? I don't know. Maybe. I will catch some of the opening tonight.

Our new (to us) washing machine is doing just that. Washing. We are glad.

Have you ever flashed your headlights at someone to warn them of a speed trap you just passed? I certainly have, and have been warned of them before. No, I don't (usually) exceed the limit by too much (7-9mph at highway speeds), but with a police officer watching, I would slow down. Well, one town was ticketing drivers that did that, but a judge has said they cannot enforce that.

You cannot force me to write anymore today, either. And I don't need a judge to tell me that. I can just walk away...and so should you...until tomorrow.

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