Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Is This a Sign?

In the shower this morning, the song, "I Heard About a Man" went through my mind. I often don't know what makes me think of one song over another, but I do try to remember which song it was to share with you. I looked on youtube for the song and found this arrangement by Cynthia Clawson. The arrangement I heard in my head this morning, though, was the one by Baylor Religious Hour Choir (probably from the 1980s).

The other epiphany that I had this morning was about answered prayer. I have recently been suffering a crisis of confidence and follow-through on my skills at work. In fact, I was so worried that I had that MMSE test run. Anyway, between the confirmation that I am not showing any signs of decreased mental capacity, and a meeting with my manager giving ideas on ways to rebuild my confidence and reputation, I woke this morning without the dread I have been feeling as I go to work each day. It seems the Lord answered my prayers for guidance and His peace using these two incidents (well, those are the ones that I recognize). This made me think of a story our choir director tells sometimes before a song. I looked for it online, but could not find it, so I will give you the gist. A young man prays every morning that the Lord will give him a sign so he could witness. One day, as he rode a mostly empty bus, a big tough-looking man sat next to him. The young man is nervous because the guy next to him is intimidating, but suddenly, the guy begins to cry. The young man says nothing. Suddenly, the big guy yells out, "I need to be saved. Can you help me?" The young man looks up to heaven and ask, "Lord, is this a sign?"

As often happens on Tuesday nights, I did not load any photos at home. In fact, I have not even uploaded my photos and videos from our recent trip. Maybe I will do that tonight. So, let's look at a few more Find Momo photos. If you remember, this man can tell his dog, Momo, to hide and the dog hides himself while his owner takes a photo. The dog does an amazingly good job.

Hey, didn't I see this lake in the movie Scream?

Seems like a business with a name like this would be a dinosaur in today's world.

Well, it is time for me to start my tasks to be a strong team player. First I will leave you with a Clarity of Vision classic.

And now, I will leave you with a chance to start your day early. Let's go get that worm.

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