Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Day That Includes Talking Frogs

Every three years, we have to complete 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) to remain certified in our profession. My certification expires the end of July, so I went ahead and knocked out the final training hours. So, this should not be good into 2019. I didn't want to let it lapse, just in case they would make me take the 4-hour cert test again. No thanks.

Speaking of 'No thanks', I am giving no thanks to the world wide interweb again today as I didn't find stuff to share. Either my standards are too high, or there really isn't much fun or quality content right now. Maybe it's the summer doldrums.

Speaking of summer, MBH and GRAND#3 went swimming last night while I was at choir practice. She said they swam for about an hour and it actually felt cold for a bit when they got out of the water. This despite a temp of 110 when they swam.

Speaking of choir, I had the privilege of directing for the first hour last night. That is always fun. I must say, though, conducting styles between myself and the man who handled the second hour. He is much more histrionic in his movements, with a lot of arm spinning (Hey, where's the downbeat) and arms moving side to side (again, where's the downbeat). However, he is knowledgeable, so that makes it worthwhile.

Speaking of the world wide interweb, remember those photos of inanimate objects that look like faces? Here's a clever one, and it is even subtitled.

Speaking of talking frogs (sure, not a great transition, but how often can you mention a talking frog? Here's one in the Explain a plot badly series.

Speaking of the various series of articles I pull from, here's one from the clever business names department. I will resist any clever comments about 'Oh, the humanity' or anything.

Did you hear about Hillary Clinton doing a little stand-up comedy on Trump yesterday (or maybe Monday)? They mentioned one of her lines this morning and it gave me an idea for today's CoV.

Listen, this has been fun, sharing my morning with you. And it has been real, especially given the dearth of material for today. Still, you know that I will be back soon with another thrilling post. Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and have a Wonderful Wednesday.

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