Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Today's Travelogue

We have some photos printed on canvas around the house. Have you done that with any of your shots? Anyway, I came across this one which was my draft at how to take a photo and make it a triptych. This is from near Last Dollar Road near Telluride, CO.

I also found one that I considered, but decided not to make into a canvas. What do you think? Should I have made one? This one is from Zion National Park in UT.

And I don't have anything else to share now, but I did see this nice photo I thought Dad would appreciate. A guy took it off of Country Rd 9. I think Dad will recognize the location since we stop there every year.

Having Star Wars withdrawal while we wait for the next movies? Once the next one arrives, you know it will be presented from the point of view of the Rebels. What would a movie be like if it were presented from the standpoint of the Empire? Now you can know.

Is there anyone in your family who is a little anxious when they fly? I am not talking about the hassle of even getting onto the plane. I mean the time in the air with noises and turbulence and being in a long tube at 30,000 ft traveling 450 mph. Anyway, I know someone like that.

And there also happens to be a story about Virgin Atlantic's new coach class seats that are roomier in a cabin that includes mood lighting. I want to travel to the UK just to fly in this.

And how about some healthy travel snacks? Spicy Roaster Chickpeas, anyone? Cinnamon Baked Apple Chips? Tamari Roasted Almonds? Plus, four other options.

Is there a 'best' blood type? Do you have it? Stinking Type O wins again. It's not fair. It's a universal donor, and people with type O blood are at a lower risk for cardiovascular health issues like stroke and heart attack. They are also less likely to experience certain kinds of cancer, like pancreatic and gastric cancers. They even live longer than those with non-O types.

You know what we have not talked about for a few days? Something from Disneyland. Let's review some secrets from Pirates of the Caribbean. Here's a hint: it was originally a wax museum.

I am not seeing anything else noteworthy today, so I will go ahead and start working. I have a meeting in just over an hour, so I should get ready. Have a Totally Tremendous Tuesday.

1 comment:

Keith said...

You definitely should print and frame the red maples!