Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Slim Pickens, For Sure

While today's title is the name of a famous character actor, I am actually referring to the slim pickings I have for you today. I did not find any of my photos that I wanted to share. I am finding very few web stories worth placing in today's blog post. I don't have that much personal anecdotes to document. I don't even have a new Clarity of Vision (I will renew one of the early ones), although I thought of something last night and tried to store it in my head for today, but I cannot remember now. I should have gotten out of bed and written it down.

I did find this I Love Lucy fact article that was interesting. I knew most of them already.

Did you watch either of the first two Sharknado movies on Syfy? Apparently, enough people did that they are making a third installment. And who will be in it, you may ask? Go ahead. You may ask. Mark Cuban. I guess he decided not to say "I'm out" to this opportunity.

Well, between the first paragraph and this one, I remembered my idea for a new Clarity of Vision. Notice that I did not say it was funny, just new.

A couple of things have changed in my life. One, I got moved to a new team and new projects. I really liked my old team and manager, but the new VP knows me from past work and had an effort he felt I could lead effectively. So, it is good in that respect. However, I am now in a highly visible position and in a team that I don't know with a manager that I have never met. Oh well, at least I still have a job, right?

And MBH and I joined a gym this weekend. Yesterday, I also signed up for a trainer for a while. I think this will make sure I do not hurt myself as I recondition my body, and that I stay focused. I only signed up for 12 sessions, but I expect that will be enough. We are at YouFit, which is only $10 a month. Good price, right?

Have you seen the concept art for the proposed campus for Google? It looks pretty cool and realllly big.

I decided to look around for a moment to see if I could find some art to share. I came across a Christian artist out of Georgia who uses scripture references to inspire his art. Which one of these would you choose for your place? I would probably pick 'By Whose Stripes You Were Healed'.

OK, I need to get ready for a meeting here in a bit. I will just ask you to lock up when you leave. Thanks for the visit.


Keith said...

Sorry. I'm much too traditional when it comes to art. I think I'll pass.

CrazyUncle said...

But they are based on scripture. Next thing you know, you will be saying you don't like the punk-rock Christian artists, either.